Show Specials
Cralan Woodcrafting and Interiors
We are happy to offer a 10% discount on any project that comes from a consultation booked at the Edmonton Home & Garden Show. We will also be giving away 2 custom kitchen utensil tray organizers so stop by our booth to learn more!
Natural Balance
Buy 1 get 1 half price.
Rampage Coffee
COFFEE PACKAGE PROMOTION: 2 - 340g bags of coffee $39.90 plus 1 Skull Spoon $7 & 1 - Retail Price: $46.90 Package Price $30 35% Discount Skull Stir Spoons: $7 Each - 2 for $10 - 30% Discount KCups (PODS) $15 Each - 2 for $24 - 20% Discount